Although it is one of the most important leading industries, the chemicals industry has it tough. Many topics in this industry are so complex that they are difficult to communicate to ordinary people. Large plants, supposedly risky production processes or disposal issues – the industry is feared by many people.
The benefits we all have from this industry, the economic contribution it makes, how innovative it is and the high standards it complies with in this country are all factors which are not often taken into consideration. With fatal consequences: social acceptance, i.e. the licence to operate, is fundamentally questioned along with every new approval process for the construction of a plant or pipeline. Chemicals have an image problem.
No secret formula: Edelman supports chemical companies in solving this image problem. Our chemicals practice develops national and international positionings, PR programmes, stakeholder and media campaigns. It is, however, of particular importance in the chemicals industry that we are able to offer PR and Public Affairs from a single source for developing and maintaining relationships with political and social players. Our international position also enables us to support chemical companies in implementing global strategies.